Surprised by Suffering Part 3- Teaching Series

Here is the third lesson in the teaching series, Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul. This chapter is entitled A Case Study in Suffering and it is about the book of Job. I taught this lesson in the series.



Previous lessons:

Surprised by Suffering Part 1

Surprised by Suffering Part 2

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Surprised by Suffering Part 2- Teaching Series

Here is the second lesson in the teaching series, Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul. This chapter is entitled Walking the Via Dolorosa and is taught by Drew Dixon.



You can see the first post in this series here: Surprised by Suffering Part 1- Teaching Series

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Surprised by Suffering Part 1- Teaching Series

Several people I have talked to have expressed a desire to hear the teaching series that I helped teach recently on the book Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul. Since they are only up for a certain length of time on our church’s Ustream website, I thought I would post them here. Drew Dixon, the family pastor at our church, and I rotated teaching this series. I am going to try to post them all over the next month or two.  I hope it will prove to be a blessing to you.

This video is on the first chapter of the book. It is entitled Suffering, Perplexity, and Despair.

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Suggested Reading for Suffering Saints

I am in the process of putting the finishing touches on the last lesson I’m going to teach in our Sunday school series, Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul. This book has been a source of immense comfort and encouragement to me. I hope our study has been a source of those things to our church family as well. At some point in our lives we are all touched by suffering and death. If I started to make a list of people I know that are going through some type of suffering or trial, I think I could produce a very lengthy list. Since it is inevitable that we are going to suffer, it is vital that we prepare our hearts for the trials that are to come. We need a rock solid anchor for our souls in times of intense suffering. In a word, we need hope; the kind of hope that Christ alone can provide.  It is with that in mind that I thought I would share some of the books that God has used to shape my thinking about suffering, as well as bring me comfort and hope in the midst of my own suffering. It is my hope and prayer that they will be a source of comfort and hope for you as well. And it is also my hope that God would use these resources as a means to deepen our faith, trust, and love of Christ; even (and perhaps especially) in the midst of suffering. So in no particular order, here is my list. You can click on the title or the picture of the book to get more information on them from Amazon.


1. Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life- I’ve already mentioned this book several times on my blog, so I won’t add anything to it here. It is definitely worth reading, though.



2. All Things for Good by Thomas Watson- This one is by the Puritan, Thomas Watson. I read this book during a particularly tough time in my life. It is probably my favorite Christian book. Watson’s in-depth look at Romans 8:28 is definitely a balm for the suffering soul.



3. The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes- Here is another Puritan work. Here is the description I first read that made me decide to read it: “Springing from Isa 42: “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench”, Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes beautifully shows the tenderness of God in dealing with his people in times of suffering, discouragement and chiefly, broken over their sin.” It is a wonderful book.

The Bruised Reed


4. The Power of Suffering: Strengthening Your Faith in the Refiner’s Fire by John Macarthur- I have not finished this book yet, but I have really enjoyed what I have already read. I have come to trust and respect John Macarthur over the years, so I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

The Power of Suffering


5. A Place for Weakness: Preparing Yourself for Suffering by Michael Horton- A friend from church let me borrow this book. I am in the middle of reading it right now. So far it is spectacular. This one is definitely worth reading.

A Place for Weakness


6. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs- Here is another one by a Puritan author. I think you may be picking up on a pattern with my list. I think that the Puritans had some of the best, Biblical counsel to suffering saints. This title is no different. It is among my favorite books of all time.

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment


So there is my list. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that ultimately the best resource for suffering saints is God’s Word itself. His Word is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. The only value of the books I have listed is that they point us to the hope that is found in God’s Word. With that in mind, in the coming weeks, I plan on posting a blog with a list of some of my favorite passages and Bible books that deal with suffering.

Until then, what are some books that have impacted you in times of suffering?


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Though Dead, He Still Speaks: A Sermon From My 6th Great Grandfather

Great Grandfather 6

This picture is of Alexander James Gilliland, my 6th great-grandfather. He was born October 28, 1769 in Lincoln County, North Carolina. He died February 1, 1845 in Red Oak, Ohio. He was a Presbyterian minister in North Carolina. He was ordained and began pastoring in Bradaway (now Belton), North Carolina in 1796. Because of his strong anti-slavery convictions, twelve members of his congregation remonstrated against his ordination, charging that he preached “against the government”. When called to account by the presbytery, he denied the charge but admitted that he preached against slavery. The presbytery advised him to discontinue such preaching, so he appealed to the Synod. The Synod refused to support him, suggesting that he should try to convince his congregation of the evils of slavery privately. After spending eight unsatisfactory years at that congregation, he moved to Red Oak, Ohio in 1805, accompanied by several relatives and many of his congregation. He served that church until the latter part of 1841 and played a key role in the anti-slavery movement in southern Ohio.

Last year, I started investigating my ancestry. After taking a break for a while, I resumed my research a couple of weeks ago. As I have looked into my family tree, I have had mixed feelings. Some of my ancestors were pretty rough characters, to put it mildly. One guy on my Mom’s side was an outlaw who got shot between the eyes. So I was pleasantly surprised to find a line of preachers on my Dad’s side. I was particularly thrilled that I was able to find so much information on my 6th great-grandfather. For some reason, it gives me great comfort to know that some of my direct ancestors loved Christ and His Gospel and lived out their faith, even in the face of opposition. One of his sons in the faith, Hugh Fullerton, had this to say about my 6th great-grandfather: “Father Gilliland was a very humble and modest man. He shrank from anything like ostentation; plainness characterizing his dress and style of living and speaking. In preaching, he hid himself behind his subject, especially when the subject was the cross. Self, nothing; Christ, all in all, seemed to be his motto.” Words can’t express the thankfulness I felt when I read those words. Just to have the knowledge that one of my ancestors was described that way brought me immense comfort and gratefulness.

I was happy enough with the information that I had found. Imagine my surprise when I was able to find one of his sermons that has been transcribed! I was especially excited when I saw the title: The Necessity of Real Religion in a Minister of the Gospel. Since I am a minister of the Gospel, it is like my 6th great-grandfather is addressing me personally through his sermon. And though he is dead, he still speaks (Hebrews 11:4). It’s amazing that although it has been 168 years since his death, his words and actions can impact his 6th great-grandson all of these years later. I’m so thankful for the providence of our great and sovereign Lord! Since I was so immensely blessed by his sermon, I thought I would post it hear so others could read it as well. I hope it is as big a blessing to you as it has been to me. For some reason, WordPress was freaking out today, so I couldn’t skip a space between each paragraph of the sermon. Maybe I was able to clean it up enough that you can still read it easily enough, though.

The Necessity of Real Religion in a Minister of the Gospel

(Transcribed by Beth Spindler – This document was not dated, and I don’t know if it was written by James Gilliland or copied down by someone else)



Dear Brethren,

     The subject on which I would address you, on this occasion, is the necessity of real religion in a minister of the Gospel. I have not chosen this theme because I suppose it needs to be proven. I think I could hardly have hit upon a proposition, the truth of which is more universally admitted. Christians, formalists, hypocrites, infidels, all agree, that he who professes to teach the Religion of Jesus Christ, ought himself to be religious.

     Neither have I chosen this subject because I expect to be able to say anything upon it that will be new. In almost every sermon preached, and every charge delivered, at the ordination or installation of ministers of the Gospel, has this subject been brought into view; and probably, everything that could with propriety be said upon it, has been said. But two things have induced me to address you on this topic. As we hope, in the course of our meetings to have a number of addresses on the qualifications and duties of the Gospel ministry; and as Religion is undoubtedly a fundamental qualification, it seemed to me fit to begin with this one.

     Altho we all admit with the truth of the proposition; yet I am fully persuaded that it is a subject to the consideration of which even the purest minds often need to be stirred up, by way of remembrance.When I say that real religion is necessary in a minister of the Gospel, I do not mean that it is necessary to the being of a minister. There are some natural qualifications which are even more necessary to the being of a minister than religion itself; such as a knowledge of the scriptures; the power of speech. And no doubt a man of good natural qualifications may, without real piety, be regularly introduced into the ministerial office.

     Neither do I mean to say that an ungodly minister, who has been in an orderly manner, licensed and ordained to preach the Gospel, may not be a useful preacher. If our Lord Jesus Christ commissioned and sent forth a Judas with the rest of the Disciples, to preach the Kingdom of God, and to work miracles, I do not know any reason why he might not make him an instrument of good to those whom he ministered. If the Lord, in his providence, still opens the way for the introduction of some irreligious men in-to the Gospel ministry, I dare not say that he will not make the truth delivered by them, instrumental in feeding his people, and gathering in his own elect. Those ministers of the Gospel who conclude that because they have been instrumental in building up the Church of Christ, therefore they themselves might be good men, are, in my opinion, comforting themselves on quite insufficient evidence. I apprehend we may not only preach the Gospel to others, but even preach it with some success, and yet be ourselves cast away.

     Further, when I say that real religion is necessary in a minister of the Gospel, I do not barely mean that it is necessary in order to his own salvation. In this point of view it is equally necessary for every man under the sun, what ever be his station or occupation in life. But what I mean is that altho. he may be a minister without it, and may be instrumental in doing good to the people of God; yet, without it , he cannot be able well to perform the duties of his office: he cannot be comfortable in his work: he cannot be faithful in the discharge of his duty; and he will not be very useful.

1. Without real religion, no man can be an able minister of the Gospel.

     The work of the minister of the Gospel is to teach the people, to whom he ministers, the true character of God; the obligations under which all men are to love and serve him; the nature of the divine law; the sinful and miserable condition of fallen man; his utter inability to deliver himself, either from the guilt of sin, or the power of corruption; the way of a sinner’s acceptance with God, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; the preciousness of Christ, in all his divine and saving characters; the necessity of a godly life, and the inseparable connexion of such a life with faith in Christ. An able minister of the Gospel must inculcate these doctrines, and others necessarily connected with them, both by his words and by his actions. In short, his preaching and his manner of life must be suited to convince sinners of sin of righteousness and of Judgment, and to lay them in the dust of humility before God; to lead the seeking soul to Christ, as the only foundation of hope; to comfort mourners in Zion; to call back wanderers; to alarm hypocrites, and to build up the people of God in holiness and comfort thro faith.

     Now it is easy to see that without an experimental acquaintance with the exercise of a real Christian no man can be able well to perform these duties. I am aware that a bad man may be a man of great learning, he may have much of the scriptures by memory, he may preach and contend for a great part of the system of divine truth: but I am also fully persuaded, that he does not well understand what he says. If he does not himself fear God, if he is not humbled under a view of his own sinfulness,if he does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, if he has not a zeal for the glory of God, and a bleeding concern for the salvation of sinners, he will neither study the scriptures with a right view, nor will he be able to preach them in that manner which is likely to produce the desired effect on the minds of his hearers.

     In every other branch of science, it is admitted on all hands, that practical or experimental knowledge far exceeds that which is merely speculative. But this maxim is equally true in religion. He who does not feel the power of divine truth on his own heart, and does not himself travel in the strait way which leads to Heaven, will be illy qualified to guide others in that way; and no wise man, deeply concerned for the salvation of his soul, would choose such a guide.

2. Without real religion a minister of the Gospel cannot be comfortable in his work.

     An ungodly minister neither loves his master nor his work. He undertakes the work for the sake of worldly honours, or to get a piece of bread, or for some advantage suited to the taste of a carnal heart. How unpleasant then, yea how burdensome must every part of the ministerial duty be to such a man? Can he study the sacred scriptures and pray over them with pleasure? Can he preach with comfort that saviour whom he does not love, and that Gospel which he does not understand? Can he have any comfort in dealing with the hearts and consciences of sinners, crying for mercy, and inquiring what they shall do to be saved? The answer is easy. He cannot. He must be a mere slave, who will consider his service as hard, tedious and burdensome, and all the time he can redeem from it as so much saved.

     Perhaps I may be told here, that those ministers who appear to have the least religion, are generally the most cheerful, and appear to be the least burdened with the task committed to them; which the more pious are often deserted and seem to be much pressed with the weight and importance of their work. The truth of this I readily admit: but the objection does not in the least invalidate the truth of what I have said. The ungodly minister is not cheerful and gay because he loves his work; but because he takes as little of it as may be; and because he finds, that with a little labour, he can so display his talents, as to obtain the worldly honours and profits attached to the office. But if you would judge, from his outward appearance, whether he loves his work or not, look at him in the day of adversity. Let the world for-sake him. Let his popularity be over. Let the world and the church refuse to support him: and you will soon see that his comfort as a minister is gone. The pious minister is not cast down because he dislikes his work. But impressed with a view of the importance of it, and of the worth of immortal souls: feeling also that he comes far short of serving his master and the church as he ought, he is, indeed, often much depressed, and were it not for his dependence on his divine master, he would give over his work altogether. But if you would know whether he loves his work or not, look at him in the day of adversity.

     Let the world forsake and persecute him. Let him be denied that support which he has a right to expect from those for whose good he labours, and he will soon tell you, by his conduct, that he loves his master’s work. You will hear him say, in language louder than words, Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel.

3. Religion in a minister of the Gospel is necessary in order to his faithfulness.

     By faithfulness, I mean diligence, and impartiality in the discharge of his duty. In both these respects, it is required in Stewards that a man be found faithful: but in neither can it be expected from an unregenerate man. As he hates his master and his work, like every other bad servant, he will naturally be careless and slothful; caught so far as he considers diligence necessary to recommend him to the world, and to procure the applause of men. His own worldly interest is the strongest inducement which he has to be faithful: and as this is frequently a strong temptation to partiality, he can-not be expected to be impartial. We must declare the whole counsel of God. We must shew the people their transgressions. We must reprove, rebuke and exhort with all diligence: and the whole should be done in such a manner as to be intelligible to the plainest and weakest of our hearers. There is generally a great variety of characters among the people to whom we minister, the pleasing or displeasing of whom will have a very considerable influence on our own ease and worldly interest. If we declare the whole counsel of God, we will offend many if we plainly and faithfully point out to sinners their profitable and fashionable sins, we will offend some: If we do not preach in a style far above the capacities of some of our hearers, and embellish our discourses with such fine gestures, and rhetorical figures, as are calculated to recommend ourselves, and render the cross of Christ of no effect, the learned infidel is disgusted.

     The fear of man bringeth a snare. Who then is able, faithfully, to discharge the duty of a gospel minister, in the midst of such temptations to unfaithfulness? No mere man is able to do it perfectly. But who shall be found so faithful, as at last to receive the plaudit, well done good and faithful servant? None but he who knows that if he seeks to please men he shall not be the servant of Christ. None but he who lives, habitually, in the fear of that God, who is himself no respecter of persons.

4. Without real religion a minister of the Gospel will not be very useful.

     It is true that God only can grant the blessing which will make the ministrations of the most able and faithful minister successful, and I have already admitted that he may make the ministry of a bad man useful to his people: but it will not follow that he will ever make a bad man eminently useful. In ordinary cases, God proportions the success to the means: or, perhaps to speak more properly, he proportions the means to the end which he designs to produce. I would not venture to say that every man who is eminent for piety is eminently useful: but surely to be eminently useful is an honour which God does not confer on ungodly men. God can work by means or without means: by the weak or by the strong as he pleases: but when he is pleased to use means he will undoubtedly employ fit ones. Now we have already seen that an ungodly minister has very little fitness for doing good. He does not well understand the truth which he delivers; he cannot speak with a feeling sense of the importance of divine truth ;he is unfaithful, slothful and partial in doing his work, he seeks his own honour instead of the glory of God and the salvation of souls; and what is worst of all, his untender walk is continually tending to defeat the design of his preaching; and upon the whole he does far more harm than good in the world.

     From all these considerations, I conclude that real religion is a most important and necessary qualification, in a minister of the Gospel. Now Brethren, let us endeavour to make that improvement of the above considerations which the Apostle Paul seems to have made. Let us take care lest after we have preached the Gospel to others we ourselves should be cast away. While we exhort our people to give all diligence to make their calling and election sure, let us examine our-selves whether we be in the faith. We are in equal danger with others of deceiving ourselves. Our calling lays us under the necessity of often thinking and speaking of Religion, and of living, in some degree, like Christians. But let us beware of satisfying our-selves on this ground. All this may arrise from selfish motives. Let us inquire then whether we love our master and his work: whether our chief concern is the glory of God and the salvation of immortal souls, and whether we are really the servants of the people for Christ’s sake.

     Again from the above considerations we see the necessity of labouring to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We often complain that we are so poorly qualified to perform the duties of our office: but probably you as well as I often forget wherein our greatest deficiency lies. Why is it that we are so often at a loss to know what to say to our people? Why do we speak with so much coldness and apathy? Why have we so little comfort in our work? Why so many temptations to unfaithfulness? And why so little success? The answer is plain and must not be disguised. It’s because we have so little religion. Let us beware of laying all the blame on our want of memory, our want of learning, our want of time to study, the inattention of our peoples. If we had more love to God, more zeal for his glory and more compassion for poor sinners, we would be more knowing in the scriptures, we would better remember divine truth, we would find more time to study and we would speak & live in a manner more calculated to gain the attention of our hearers. In short we would be more able, comfortable, faithful and useful ministers of the Gospel. Human learning is useful and ought not to be neglected but our chief concern ought to be to grow in Grace and in the knowledge of Christ.

     Lastly, from the above remarks we may see what ought to be our chief object and our constant aim in our social meetings. We profess to meet for our own improvement as ministers of the Gospel. Let it then be our chief aim to stir up one another to the lively exercise of every Christian grace, that we may be able and comfortable and faithful and useful ministers of the Gospel & at last receive the plaudit: Well done good & faithful Servants.

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What I’m Reading…

I’ve seen several blogs that people have posted recently that listed what they are reading. I’m always intrigued to hear what people are reading, since I am a book nerd myself. 🙂 I’m reading some really good ones right now, so I thought I would post mine, as well. You can click on the title or the picture of the book to get more information on them from Amazon.

1. Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith– I seriously don’t know how this book is not more popular. I first read it when I was in 5th or 6th grade. Since then, it has been one of my all-time favorite books. I make it a point to read it once every year or two. If you haven’t read it, then you should.

Rifles for Watie



2. Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul I read this book a month or two ago and reviewed it here. Since I am going to help teach this book for Sunday School, I am reading it again as I prepare. This is such a wonderful book and has impacted me so much. I highly recommend it.

Surprised by Suffering 2



3. The Power of Suffering: Strengthening Your Faith in the Refiner’s Fire- I have just started reading this one in the last few days. I got it for free and thought it would be a great supplement to help me prepare to teach Sunday School. So far, I am very pleased.

The Power of Suffering



4. Foundations of Grace by Steve Lawson- I have wanted to read this book ever since it came out. I got this one for free from Reformation Trust by agreeing to blog a review about it. It might be even better than I expected. I still have quite a way to go in this one, though. It is pretty lengthy (over 500 pages).

Foundations of Grace



5. 1 Peter-   This is another one that I decided to read in preparation for Sunday School. 1 Peter has quite a bit about suffering, so I thought it would be a great place to start. It is probably one of my favorite New Testament books.

1 Peter



So that is my list for now. How about you? What are you reading?



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5 Random Things

1. It seems like I am constantly being amazed by the providence of God. I am preparing to teach next Sunday the first lesson in our series on Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul. I have been very excited to help teach this series because that book has impacted me so much. Imagine my surprise when I check my Facebook page and see a link to a free Kindle book called The Power of Suffering: Strengthening Your Faith in the Refiner’s Fire by John Macarthur (this title is no longer free). I love free books, especially free books that will be very helpful in my teaching preparation! I would highly recommend both books.

Surprised by Suffering 2      At the time of this writing, the Kindle version of this one is $9.99 at Amazon.

The Power of Suffering     At the time of this writing, the Kindle version for this one is $2.51 at Amazon.

2. Here is a video in which a good friend of mine shares his thoughts on being a father. It is less than 6 minutes and definitely worth your time.

3. I have really been digging this song:

4. I have come to love and appreciate half-priced milkshakes at Sonic after 8:00 pm. There is not much that is better than cheap, delicious milkshakes. Five milkshakes for less than $8.00 is pretty good in my book. We have been making it a weekly treat. FYI, in my humble opinion, hot fudge is the best flavor.

5. Sometimes it is best to keep the camera away from Benjamin and his dear ol’ Dad.



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Spurgeon on the Father’s Drawing


The following is an excerpt from another one of my favorite sermons of all time. It was originally preached March 7, 1858 by Charles Spurgeon. You can read the entire sermon here: Human Inability


Our second point is THE FATHER’S DRAWINGS. “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him.” How then does the Father draw men? Arminian divines generally say that God draws men by the preaching of the gospel. Very true; the preaching of the gospel is the instrument of drawing men, but there must be some thing more than this. Let me ask to whom did Christ address these words? Why, to the people of Capernaum, where he had often preached, where he had uttered mournfully and plaintively the woes of the law and the invitations of the gospel. In that city he had done many mighty works and worked many miracles. In fact, such teaching and such miraculous attestation had he given to them, that he declared that Tyre and Sidon would have repented long ago in sack-cloth and ashes, if they had been blessed with such privileges. Now, if the preaching of Christ himself did not avail to the enabling these men to come to Christ, it cannot be possible that all that was intended by the drawing of the Father was simply preaching. No, brethren, you must note again, he does not say no man can come except the minister draw him, but except the Father draw him. Now there is such a thing as being drawn by the gospel, and drawn by the minister, without being drawn by God. Clearly, it is a divine drawing that is meant, a drawing by the Most High God—the First Person of the most glorious Trinity sending out the Third Person, the Holy Spirit, to induce men to come to Christ. Another person turns round and says with a sneer, “Then do you think that Christ drags men to himself, seeing that they are unwilling!” I remember meeting once with a man who said to me, “Sir, you preach that Christ takes people by the hair of their heads and drags them to himself.” I asked him whether he could refer to the date of the sermon wherein I preached that extraordinary doctrine, for if he could, I should be very much obliged. However, he could not. But said I, while Christ does not drag people to himself by the hair of their heads, I believe that, he draws them by the heart quite as powerfully as your caricature would suggest. Mark that in the Father’s drawing there is no compulsion whatever; Christ never compelled any man to come to him against his will. If a man be unwilling to be saved, Christ does not save him against his will. How, then, does the Holy Spirit draw him? Why, by making him willing. It is true he does not use “moral suasion;” he knows a nearer method of reaching the heart. He goes to the secret fountain of the heart, and he knows how, by some mysterious operation, to turn the will in an opposite direction, so that, as Ralph Erskine paradoxically puts it, the man is saved “with full consent against his will;” that is, against his old will he is saved. But he is saved with full consent, for he is made willing in the day of God’s power. Do not imagine that any man will go to heaven kicking and struggling all the way against the hand that draws him. Do not conceive that any man will be plunged in the bath of a Saviour’s blood while he is striving to run away from the Saviour. Oh, no. It is quite true that first of all man is unwilling to be saved. When the Holy Spirit hath put his influence into the heart, the text is fulfilled—”draw me and I will run after thee.” We follow on while he draws us, glad to obey the voice which once we had despised. But the gist of the matter lies in the turning of the will. How that is done no flesh knoweth; it is one of those mysteries that is clearly perceived as a fact, but the cause of which no tongue can tell, and no heart can guess. The apparent way, however, in which the Holy Spirit operates, we can tell you. The first thing the Holy Spirit does when he comes into a man’s heart is this: he finds him with a very good opinion of himself: and there is nothing which prevents a man coming to Christ like a good opinion of himself. Why, says man, “I don’t want to come to Christ. I have as good a righteousness as anybody can desire. I feel I can walk into heaven on my own rights.” The Holy Spirit lays bare his heart, lets him see the loathsome cancer that is there eating away his life, uncovers to him all the blackness and defilement of that sink of hell, the human heart, and then the man stands aghast. “I never thought I was like this. Oh! those sins I thought were little, have swelled out to an immense stature. What I thought was a mole-hill has grown into a mountain; it was but the hyssop on the wall before, but now it has become a cedar of Lebanon. Oh,” saith the man within himself, “I will try and reform; I will do good deeds enough to wash these black deeds out.” Then comes the Holy Spirit and shows him that he cannot do this, takes away all his fancied power and strength, so that the man falls down on his knees in agony, and cries, “Oh! once I thought I could save myself by my good works, but now I find that


“Could my tears for ever flow,
Could my zeal no respite know,
All for sin could not atone,
Thou must save and thou alone.’”


Then the heart sinks, and the man is ready to despair. And saith he, “I never can be saved. Nothing can save me.” Then, comes the Holy Spirit and shows the sinner the cross of Christ, gives him eyes anointed with heavenly eye-salve, and says, “Look to yonder cross. that Man died to save sinners; you feel that you are a sinner; he died to save you.” And he enables the heart to believe, and to come to Christ. And when it comes to Christ, by this sweet drawing of the Spirit, it finds “a peace with God which passeth all understanding, which keeps his heart and mind through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Now, you will plainly perceive that all this may be done without any compulsion. Man is as much drawn willingly, as if he were not drawn at all; and he comes to Christ with full consent, with as full a consent as if no secret influence had ever been exercised in his heart. But that influence must be exercised, or else there never has been and there never will be, any man who either can or will come to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Surprised by Suffering by R.C. Sproul: Book Review


Many people, Christians included, are surprised when suffering comes into their lives. Personal sickness, death of a loved one, loss of a job, and many other trials can blindside us. R.C. Sproul wrote Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life to prepare Christians for the suffering that we will inevitably face. Sproul gets his title from 1 Peter 4:12, when believers in Christ are exhorted to not be surprised when the fiery trial comes upon them to test them. As Dr. Sproul says in the preface, “My purpose in writing this book is that you would not be surprised when suffering comes into your life. I want you to see that suffering is not at all uncommon, but also that is is not random- it is sent by our heavenly Father, who is both sovereign, and loving, for our ultimate good. Indeed, I want you to understand that suffering is a vocation, a calling from God.”

I think this is a very timely book. We as Christians are bombarded with teachings that God wants to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. Because of that, when hard times come into our lives, they can wreak havoc with our faith. We can begin to question our faith and even begin to question our God. On the other hand, a firm confidence in the sovereignty and goodness of God can anchor you down when the storms of life start to assail. Sproul reminds us that suffering is guaranteed to come, but that suffering is part of the plan of a sovereign, loving, and good Heavenly Father. It is from those foundational truths that he approaches this book.

The book is divided into two sections. The first is entitled “Unto Death”. In this section, Sproul teaches us that suffering is a believer’s vocation and calling from God himself. I must admit, I had not thought of suffering in those terms before. It was very eye opening to have Sproul walk me through the implications of that truth. The first chapter deals with the reality of suffering. The second chapter looks at suffering in the life of Christ, and it is my favorite chapter. The third examines the life of Job. The fourth tackles the purpose of suffering. The fifth teaches the truth that death is also a vocation and calling from God. The sixth shows how we can face death in faith.

The second section is entitled “After Death”. In the beginning of this section, it seemed that Sproul did a complete 180. The way he started in “After Death” didn’t seem to naturally flow from the first section of the book. It didn’t take very long for him to make the connection, though. If I had to choose one theme for the second section it would be this: The suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18). In chapter 7, Sproul looks at many different speculations on life after death and shows how they are left wanting. In the eight chapter, he looks at Jesus’ teaching on the afterlife. In the ninth chapter, we see how Paul can say that to die is gain. Chapter ten looks at John’s vision of heaven in Revelation. Dr. Sproul concludes with a poignant reminder that “our divine vocation is not ultimately to suffering, but to a hope that triumphs over suffering. It is the hope of our future inheritance with Christ.” This book also includes an appendix with Questions and Answers that many Christians will find very helpful.

I could not recommend this book highly enough. Dr. Sproul doesn’t handle this book as a dry academic exercise. He tackles these issues with a pastors heart in an intensely practical way. The only issue I have with the book is the fact that the Questions and Answers section isn’t more in-depth since I think he could have been a bit clearer on some of his answers. However, that section by it’s very nature is meant to be short and concise, so I can’t really even complain about that. So in closing, whether you have gone through suffering, are going through suffering, or about to go through suffering, this book will be a huge blessing and encouragement to you.

Disclaimer: Reformation Trust has provided me with a free copy to review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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The Incredible Gift of Suffering

The more I read the Bible, the more I become convinced of something. I am increasingly convinced that the prosperity gospel is crippling Christians when it comes to facing suffering. I’m sure you have heard at least one version of the prosperity gospel. God wants you to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. If you follow Jesus, your life will be much easier. Is there something you want in life? Then just name it and claim it! God wants you to prosper in every area of your life. You can have your best life now and every day can be a Friday. If you are sick, then just positively confess that you are well. Are you struggling financially? Then just rebuke that “spirit of poverty”! I could go on and on, but I think you are getting the picture.

The prosperity gospel has infiltrated the church in varying degrees. On the one extreme, you have the teaching that Christians  are “little gods” who have “creative power” in their words. By their positive confession, they can basically create whatever they want. Health, wealth, and prosperity can be achieved by naming and claiming whatever you desire. I would hope that any thoughtful Christian would see the danger and fallacy in such a teaching. However, I think a milder form of the prosperity gospel has also crept into the church and is causing much damage as well. There seems to be an idea that if you are faithfully serving Christ that everything is going to go well for you. People who believe this might stop short of promoting some of the grossest teachings of the prosperity movement, but they are convinced that God wants them to be happy. They might concede that God doesn’t necessarily want them to be filthy rich, but surely He doesn’t want them to go through anything difficult. Another version would be that if you are living a life that is pleasing to God, things will go well for you. However if you are suffering or having problems, there must be sin in your life. Or maybe you just don’t have enough faith.

I can actually understand why somebody would want to believe these teachings. I mean, who doesn’t want things to go well? I think that these teachings are more than just wrong, though. I think that they are dangerous and crippling. There are many things that I feel is dangerous about it, but for this blog I just want to focus on the fact that it causes people to fall apart when they are faced with suffering. I hope to address some other concerns in another blog soon.

There are many places I could start, but since I’ve been studying Philippians for the last month, I think I’ll start there. Philippians 1:29-30- For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me. Read that slowly. Did you notice something strange? That passage said that suffering has been “granted” to us for Christ’s sake. Check out what granted means in the original language. Granted-  to grant as a favor, that is, gratuitously, in kindness, pardon or rescue: – deliver, (frankly) forgive, (freely) give, grant. 

In other words, suffering is a gift of God to a Christian. That is a truth that is not often preached in the American church. But according to God’s word, suffering is a precious gift. I know what you are probably thinking. How can suffering be considered a precious gift? It is precious when it is given by a sovereign God for His own glory and for the good of His children. Romans 8:28 is many Christians favorite verse, and rightly so. Many people are under the impression that it teaches that God is going to make everything go well for Christians. Let’s look at it in the context of suffering, though. Romans 8:28-And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. God causes “all things” to work together for good to those who love God. All things includes suffering. In His infinite wisdom, our kind and gracious God uses suffering to bring about good in the lives of His children.

If people spent more time reading their Bibles than they spend watching TBN and reading “Your Best Life Now”, they would remember this: 1 Peter 4:12-13- Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. Did you see that? Don’t be surprised! In fact, rejoice! We’ve seen that these verses teach that Christians should expect to suffer. More than that, our suffering is a gift from God that He uses for His glory and our good. Are these isolated verses, though? Are there any others that support what I’m saying? Let me give a quick rundown of several more that deal with suffering and even persecution. I’m not even going to give any commentary on these. I’m just going to let God’s Word speak for itself.

– Romans 8:16-18- The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

– 2 Corinthians 1:5- For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.

– 1 Thessalonians 3:3-4- So that no one would be disturbed by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this. For indeed when we were with you, we kept telling you in advance that we were going to suffer affliction; and so it came to pass, as you know.

– 2 Timothy 2:3- Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

– 1 Peter 2:19-21- For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly. For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.Christ For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps,

– 1 Peter 4:1-2- Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.

-1 Peter 4:14-16- If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.

– 2 Timothy 3:12- Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

– Matthew 5:10-12- Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

– John 15:19-21- If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.

– John 16:33- These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

There are many, many other passages that we could look at, but I think that is a really good sampling to whet your appetite. From those passages we can see that suffering and persecution are going to come. That is a fact. It is a promise. No amount of hoping, wishing, or “positive confession” is going to change that fact. So we can either prepare ourselves for the gift of suffering that God has promised is going to come, or we can allow our heads to be filled with prosperity teachings that will cause our faith to take a serious blow when tribulations arrive.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention something here. There are times when we do suffer because we have sinned. As the Bible teaches, we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7-9). Some of the passages I listed above even warned us about suffering for our sins. The kind of suffering I have been talking about is not that kind of suffering, though. I am talking about the kind of suffering that God allows in our lives that is not a direct result of our sin, much like what happened with Job (who was the most righteous man on earth at the time).

Prosperity teaching says that if you have enough faith, you won’t have to go through suffering. Everything will be great. The passages we have looked at teach differently. I really would like to keep going, but this is already quite a bit longer than I intended. I just want to mention one more passage before I finally shut up. Hebrews 11 is often called the “heroes of faith” chapter. It goes through many of the heroes of the faith and lists great things they have accomplished by God’s grace. Let’s see how that chapter ends.

Hebrews 11:35-38- Women received back their dead by resurrection; and others were tortured, not accepting their release, so that they might obtain a better resurrection; and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated (men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground.

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like “Your Best Life Now”. Did you see what these heroes of the faith went through? And does the Bible tell us that if they would have just have more faith, or named it and claimed it, then they wouldn’t have had to face suffering? No… It commends them for their faith and goes so far as to say that the world was not worthy of them. See, Christians are not promised our best life now. Our best life comes when we are finally with Christ, not during this life. If intense suffering comes to me, I don’t want my family and friends (and most importantly, my God) to see me fall apart. I want them to see me standing firm by God’s grace. I want to honor Christ whether I live, die, or suffer. And I know the only way that will happen is if I believe and trust God’s teaching on suffering.

So Christians, don’t be surprised when suffering comes. Prepare yourselves for it. Trust in God that he will use it for His glory and our good. Receive it as the incredible gift that it is. And turn from all of those teachings that call one of God’s most precious gifts a curse. Lord help us have a better theology of suffering.

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